DIY LED help, is this usable?


I need some help. Are these usable some how? Can I cut off the cigeratte adapter, and put on a transformer? I took the adapter apart and there is a fuse inside.

or is this not usable?
The fuse is there so if it shorts out it won't burn down your car. You can just get a DC transformer they are made with a built in a built in fuse sometimes, or you can install one in line, all you need is a 12 volt transformer and they will work. O yea and hook positive up to positive and negative up to negative. The positive lead is the one gong to the button in the plug. Also use that resistor in the plug, if you canââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t, just get another one. Match up the colors, rat shack should have a chart. I can't remember how the colors work, fell asleep in class. :p Remember, the wires on the resistor attached to the spring are positive.
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Thanks. One question about the positive/ negative hookups.

1) Is the positive the one going to the resistor?

2) Does it matter which one is the positve on the 12v DC transformer?
On my transformer, they are both black lines, but one has writing, and the other has white lines all the way down. Which is which?
Bummer. Ok Thanks Gobie, I'll go grab another one tommorow, but this time use the resistor right. Thanks for all the help