led's have a lot of wiring possibilities..you can wire them in parallel(all positives together) or series(positive, negative, positive, negative) you just have to make sure you wire resistors in. I wired mine in parallel and put a resistor before every led. I'm almost positive you don't need a resistor for ever led. You can probably use a resistor for a couple led's, but I can't remember what the deal was with that. just do a little research and you'll figure it all out. thats what I did.
on a side note. If you want rediculous night light, check out an led underglow kit for cars. take one of those. wire that into a 110-12v converter and it's a waterproof tube you would need to mount in your canopy. If you could find 2 people with 48" tanks and 2 people with 36" tanks it would be easy to split and everyone would get a tube. You'd just have to each buy the converter from radioshack or wherever. I'd actually probably get in on that deal for a 48" tube.