DIY moonlights


New member
where do i start?!? anyone have a good build idea or site??

i wanna do like 4 blue and 4 white...or w/e you guys think is right?

Thanks Guys!!!!
I did my own Lunar lights a few years ago. I did a mix of blue and white LEDs with separate switches to control the intensity. This was a while back, the newer LEDs are a lot stronger. I had 8 blue and 8 white. IF you know anyone in the Sign Biz. check with them about 12 volt LEDs. Thats where mine came from.
or you can just buy regular led's and you just gotta solder a resistor before the led's. I used to have 80 led's wired in the ceiling of my truck. It's not bad if you know how to solder...and if you don't, you will by the time you're done!
I just bought a set of blue led christmas lights after christmas at target for 6 bucks. Took one light out and everyother light went out. Works perfect. just staples it once arounf the inside of my canopy.

with the regular 12volt leds what kind of power converter do you need?? how many can u run on a single inverter
I ordered my LEDs from here:

scroll down to the 3 LED dome light fixture. It has an aquarium picture beside it. I use 3 of them over my 90G and it is pleanty enough light. I have all of mine wired in parallel incase one went out. You will need to get an adapter. They also sell them on that sight for like $7. You can't go wrong with these. By far the cheapest and neatest DIY mod I have done to my tank.
I bought a set of 4 LED lights for my 55G tank off of ebay for like $15 and stapled them to the inside of my canopy.
led's have a lot of wiring can wire them in parallel(all positives together) or series(positive, negative, positive, negative) you just have to make sure you wire resistors in. I wired mine in parallel and put a resistor before every led. I'm almost positive you don't need a resistor for ever led. You can probably use a resistor for a couple led's, but I can't remember what the deal was with that. just do a little research and you'll figure it all out. thats what I did.

on a side note. If you want rediculous night light, check out an led underglow kit for cars. take one of those. wire that into a 110-12v converter and it's a waterproof tube you would need to mount in your canopy. If you could find 2 people with 48" tanks and 2 people with 36" tanks it would be easy to split and everyone would get a tube. You'd just have to each buy the converter from radioshack or wherever. I'd actually probably get in on that deal for a 48" tube.