DIY Protein Skimmer


New member
This is my first post on these forums, so hello!

I plan to make one of these and have some basic questions about doing it. I've read some online and it all seems simple enough, but the more information I gather the smarter I'll be about this I suppose.

I have created a drawing of my plans. Theres a bit more to it, but this is the basic concept and I guess maybe slightly "duh" to you guys since you know the construction but I'm getting help from a machinist for part of it.


My real question is this. My tank is 51" high. Let's say I put the Inlet to my skimmer reservoir at about 54", and the outlet coming up from the bottom to height of 52". I'll use probably 1/2" or 3/4" Clear PVC or Acrlyic to do these runs. My only real questions are these, Will the water behave and return to the tank slowly from this kind of setup or will I need two very low speed pumps to achieve the kind of speed/flow I want. I'm guessing since the inlet is higher than the outlet and it also has more volume in the reservoir it would have to force the water through the return. Would I need to use Tee's instead of 90s to leave open and relieve pressure? I'm guessing I'll put a flow control on the return for good measure anyway.

Should this work? Any comments/concerns?

Thanks for the help. This forum is pretty sweet for me and my girlfriend and all these aquarium things we're up to.
Also have you guys experienced much difference in visibility between clear and basic extruded acrylic? I'm thinking I'll be building this into some small cabinet or shelving unit and want visibility but it doesn't have to be perfect.
Another thing I was going to do is Machine a cap for the bottom out of some sort of acrylic sheet. My plan was to have it shaped like this and plug the button. I intend to use weldon if I go with Acrylic or something else if I go with a clear PVC. Do you think it'll hold?

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