Do any mushrooms sting?

That is what I thought, but it seems their sting isn't to bad. I have been experimenting with corals in my shark tank and my shark reacted very badly to a heliofungia(plate coral) but doesn't seem to mind the current mushrooms I have in there. Are there any mushrooms that have a vicious sting and should be aware of before putting it in my shark tank? I'd like to try some bright orange shrooms next.

My anthelia and zoanthus don't seem to bother the shark either.
I think you'll be fine with most of them. I dont think they would affect it that much, if at all. I have yet to see a mushroom sting (discosomas, rhodactis, ricordea) that hurt a fish.
the worst pain ive ever felt reefing was from my pink yuma with a cut in m y hand. Wasnt even cutting it...just moving it. Felt like i got hit with a hammer for a couple fo hours....seriously

Ive been nailed countless times with bristles and remember a frogspawn hurting a little once too...but that yuma was something
i think the hairy/fussy ones and the one's with tentacle like are nasty. but the others are fine, i ahve a colony that is literally under a colony of xenia and they grow a lot

here's a pic,

I assumed that my LTA would kill the ordinary old smooth shrooms that it's expanding onto, but it turns out to be the opposite. The LTA's tentacles shrivel up wherever it touches the mushrooms.
