Do Coris Wrasses disappear for long periods of time?


New member
I got a nice medium sized Coris wrasse a few weeks ago. After two days of hiding he was out every day for a week, then he was gone again. I haven't seen him for about 8 days.

Is he a goner, or do they sometimes chill in the sand for weeks at a time?

- MikeT
My coris disappeared for almost a week.I thought it was dead,but turned out during feeding time one day.Hopefully yours will do the same
I have two yellow Coris Wrasse and they always swim around the tank. I bought them when they were 2 inches 3 months ago. Now they are 3.5 inches.
i have or had a yellow but i havent seen him in about 2 weeks now. havent found a body in or out of the tank. im guessing he is gone but hopefully he shows up again
my clown wrasse just went missing... i think the overflow box took him... it does that to fish...
I checked the overflow, I don't see it in the sump. It's not on the floor anywhere.

It most likely met it's demise in the tank then... It's easily been 8-9 days now and I haven't seen it.

The Eibli Angel hasn't been very welcoming any new additions (even acts worse than my Evil Tomato recently) although I didn't witness anything with the wrasse specifically.

- MikeT
mine also did that when i put in a new yellow tang dissappeared for a week and then all of a sudden it was out swimming again