Do hang on external Refugiums work?


New member
Any one using a CPR external hang on refugium?
I am trying to grow macro algae so my Tangs will not eat it.
I want to sustain a viable population of amphipods to main a Mandarin.
Your input would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot
I haven't tried one but I think it would work. But they're probably too small to grow enough macros for a tang, or enough pods for your mandarin. A separate, small aquarium would provide more real estate. Or you could add a coarse substrate over your sand, so the pods can refuge right in your tank.
The refugium will work, but you will need to add more powerful light to drive it. You can wrap it with led grow light strips like algae reactor, or shine a strong light to it from the side, like Kessil H380.
As a suggestion for a macro that tangs as well as people will eat, I will start with Gracilaria Parvispora, Red Ogo or Tang Heaven Red. All of the Gracilarias listed by GCE are ediable to Tangs. I grow Grape Caulerpa for nutrient export and as a matrtix for pods to live in. I have eaten the grape caulerpa with sesami seed oil, soy sauce and lime juice. Very nice.