do i have to have an overflow box


New member
ok i am putting together a 280 gallon tank and took out the factory overflow because it was in a terrible place.i drilled the back for 3 1.5 inch bulkheads for the drains but was thinking about just putting in strainers.will this be sufficient enough.i really want an open design and i thought this would be perfect.otherwise i will just finish my coast to coast and try and install it.if possible that would save a lot of headache
I know a guy who runs smaller tanks with just an elbow coming straight out of the bulkheads. Works fine, skims the surface, semi-quiet.
yea but this is 280 gallons of water.i just want to make sure it will give enough tank turn over and skimming
I know a guy who runs smaller tanks with just an elbow coming straight out of the bulkheads. Works fine, skims the surface, semi-quiet.

I did this on my old 260 with no issues. Obviously, as long as your return pump isn't over rated for your drains you should be fine.
The only downsides of using an elbow and strainer are:

it pulls more non-surface water (and by virtue-less surface water)

the difference in water levels in the tank from it starting to drain, and having full water height/pressure to drain at reasonable speeds is greater (which will mean the sump has to be able to handle a bigger shift in water levels when your return pump needs servicing or fails)...otherwise it could flood

strainers by virtue of design slowly clog over time, especially if they are lit by tank lighting... which could lead to the display overflowing if a tang tugs seaweed off a clip without eating or if they aren't frequently cleaned.