do i need an air exchanger when i upgrade to 180g?


New member
i want to up grade my tank from 90 to 180g tank sitting in living room and my house doesn't have an air exchager and only open door in summer sometime but never open in winter so should i be concern moister or any smell of sea water in the house??
i will have another 120 sump in basement too should i be concern there too?? any thing that i need to know before set this up? i know you all have a big tank and know alot about this so please help thanks
If you have the money do it. It will only help with air quality in your house. It may not be a must, but might nice to have. It depends alot on the house, how old it is (meaning how air tight the house is), quality of windows, etc. This will al play into wheter you will have to have one or not.