Do mushroom poop?


Premium Member
I have a purple mushroom that used to be big and beautiful. The last week or so it has not opened very much during the photo period, and today I noticed what looked like poop coming out of it's mouth:hmm4: (you kiss ur mom with that mouth?)
It doesn't necessarily look like it is shriveling, but just hasn't been opening. What do you all think?
Thanks, Spleify
yes they do. It comes out of thier mouth. I couldnt imagine if it didnt "poop". It would get huge and fat, possibly explode
They use their oral disc or mouth to poop also. Some of the time you will also see them release zooxanthellae from their oral disc. On a few occasions I have seen it after water changes.
Thanks dustin, so what should I think of it not opening? Is is dying? Is there anything I can do to help it out?