Do you feed your Rics/Rhods?


Active member
Hey everyone,

I just started a 29, and plan to fill it with many lovely Ricordea and Rhodactis shrooms - two varieties of coral I haven't really done yet. I don't do/know that much about coral feeding, does anyone target feed their shrooms? If so, what do you feed and how? The only shrooms I've ever had are run-of-the-mill reds that took over the bottom of my 120 (without any need for feeding).
I used to feed my Ricordea mysis shrimp and pellets when I first got them. Now they just survive on light and what ever scraps that float their way.
I've got a single ric that I got probably like 8 months ago and it still hasn't split. It has 2 pairs of mouths on it. I recently started target feeding it some brine shrmp and I think it's finally starting to split. It's curling up on each side and I think some of the blue inner dots are turning orange to become new outer, border dots, if you know what I mean.

So I think target feeding might have actually induced the split.
I target mine oyster and phyto and it sucks in and out like 4 times, i think its eating, then the next day it looks phenomenal.