do you like my macros?


My 1st attempts. I dont think I have it quiet yet...





Looks like you could use a bit more depth of field. Also remember that there is more DOF behind the point of focus than in front of it, so focusing on a spot of the coral closer to the front of the plane might help them look better.

Nothing better for your macros than practice. Keep shooting!
Great start.

Nice lens -- I've been thinking about it.

How far are you from the corals?

What camera are you using?

The DOF on the 100mm is very, very shallow on the wide end of the f stops. (2.8) I think you may have trouble getting a shot with f16 in the low light environment of the aquarium. I would try f8-f11 and bump up your ISO to 800. If too noisy go to iso 400. Focus one third back from the front.

My opinion only

IMO, the 100 is the best lens in its price range. I have no experiance with the 60, but if you ever want to take pictures of bugs 60mm would be too short. They get spooked when you try to get that close. I bought my GF a 50mm Sigma macro. Nice lens, I like my 100 better though.

You might want to look into programs called "Image Stackers" (google that term). The ones I know of are free but they can be a little fickle though but very interesting.
pictures are looking very good. The first few you posted came out very nice and it looks like your getting the hang of it now. That last shot came out well. It might also work well shooting your pictures a little darker and lightening them up later on the computer. This way you can get more detail without getting overexposure. That's what I do, hope it helps and a great first series of pictures.