DOC Skimmer 9000


New member
I have old Tunze skimmer mode 235/2 . So I would like to replace my skimmer with more powerfull skimmer, but my cabinet, where the sump is located, is only 20 inches high, so i dont have place for very high skimmers.

My question is, if the new skimmers 9000 will be also made in design named SYSTEM automatic skimmers
No, the 9010 and 9015 will work in sumps with 5-10" of water. The centrifugal skimmers will remain unchanged but likely only the 230/3 will remain, the SYSTEM models and 220/3 and possibly 240/3 will be discontinued. The 9010 would work in your situation for sure.
Thanks Roger

How high will be model 9010 ?. I have more than 5" of water in my sump, but total high is only 20" and I need additional place to remove cup, when I want to wash it.
It will barely fit, the skimmer is 17" high and you need 3" to remove the cup. You will need to get really exact measurements, since the skimmer isn't out yet I don't have exact measurements.