Does a 180 need foam or cushion under it?


Premium Member
I am going to set up a new 180 and am wondering what if anything would be needed to be placed below the tank? Should I add smoe sort of foam or rubber? to cushion the glass and frame from the wood?
i would do it just to be safe. I have it under my 220, the builder wouldnt honor the warranty unless it was under there.
My tank is a standard AGA 180 so it will have the black frame around it.. Not sure if its requirements will differ from those made frameless.
From what I understand, you shouldn't put foam under framed tanks. They are ment to sit on that frame. AGA uses tempered bottem glass, which gives it the ability to sit on a frame.

Frameless/trimless tanks on the other hand, is where you should start looking into foam to make sure that the weight that is applied to the bottem glass is distributed equally.

Not an expert, but thats what I've heard.
That is always a good idea IMO.

FWIW I had a 1/2 sheet of foam insulation under my 150g and it had zero problems for the year it was setup. It is actually still setup, but I sold the house and the tank stayed with it. I don't think you need the foam if your stand is perfectly flat/plumb/square/level/etc. but I didn't want to take the chance.