Does anyone have the MaxSpect Razor that can share there setting preferences?


New member
Does anyone have the MaxSpect Razor that can share there setting preferences?

I just set up the 120W 16000K unit on my tank and wanted to see how everyone else was running theirs. Please let me know if you are running these lights on your system.
I have three of the same units on my 180 and i run preset 1 to see them ramp up and down and adjust from there and never touched them since. corals responded with great coloration. Just put some pics up a few weeks ago for reference
It's funny no one is talking as much as they use to with these lights wonder why? I too try to ask same questions with very little response. I have the 160 27" 10K unit and they are powerful hard to determine the right intenisty always fiddling with mine. Currently running at 10" above water line A:70 B:90 following 7:30 AM to 8 PM with a constant 4.5 Hour peak @ midday.
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I run mine at peak for about 6 hrs. 75B/55A. I have 2 16K's over s 110! In the evening I ramp it down to a heavier blue spectrum. I still haven't been able to ramp them up to 100 percent. My corals start to get to light and bleached out.
its too much works to post pics on here plus I only have my iphone camera and they don't come out good. Trust me you will love the lights.