Does anyone know if live rock hold nitrates? A LFS told me they don't.
My tank is 10+ years old and suffers from old tank syndrome....
I took out bio balls from sump, dismantled fuge area, the fuge area was only 16"x18"....I doubt enough area to really make a difference for my system, and added bio pellets 2 years ago.
I siphoned out all 6 inches of crushed coral over many months and got the last inch or so out of DT about 6 weeks ago. I also siphoned all crushed coral and sand out of my sump about 6 weeks ago.
I now have bare bottom 150 DT tank with 150 lbs of live rock in it, lots of mushrooms & zoas with 14 fish, and bare bottom 40 gallon sump with a skimmer & bio pellet reactor.
I bought a gyre 2 weeks ago to increase the flow in the it BTW.
I've done 3-4 water changes over the past 6- 7 weeks. 60 gallon water changes each time.
Blowing off live rock with a power head, and using filter socks only while doing this to catch the detritus. i siphon out as much detritus as I can from tank & sump.
I feel like this is the cleanest my tank has ever been!!
My nitrates drop for a day to 40-60 and then go up to 80 - 80+
I'm going to continue to do frequent water changes.....
I only have 2-32 gallon brute garbage cans to do water changes which are heated when I do.
I was thinking of doing one massive water change since I have a dozen 5 gallon buckets I can store salt water in but I don't have a way to heat all those buckets...this is in basement which is about 68 degrees. Tank is 78 Half the water would be heated and half wouldn't be.
Would that be okay to do?
Also curious if the live rock is holding nitrates and leaching them back into water after each water change.....cuz it sure seems like it. What else could be holding all these nitrates??
I have ATS on order but 2 month wait until I get it and then probably another month or two before it can begin making an impact....hoping this will help.
I was also thinking of buying a doser and begin dosing vodka or vinegar because bio pellets don't seem to help. I did have some success lowering nitrates about 2 1/2 years ago with vodka dosing but work travel made me switch to bio pellets.
My tank is 10+ years old and suffers from old tank syndrome....
I took out bio balls from sump, dismantled fuge area, the fuge area was only 16"x18"....I doubt enough area to really make a difference for my system, and added bio pellets 2 years ago.
I siphoned out all 6 inches of crushed coral over many months and got the last inch or so out of DT about 6 weeks ago. I also siphoned all crushed coral and sand out of my sump about 6 weeks ago.
I now have bare bottom 150 DT tank with 150 lbs of live rock in it, lots of mushrooms & zoas with 14 fish, and bare bottom 40 gallon sump with a skimmer & bio pellet reactor.
I bought a gyre 2 weeks ago to increase the flow in the it BTW.
I've done 3-4 water changes over the past 6- 7 weeks. 60 gallon water changes each time.
Blowing off live rock with a power head, and using filter socks only while doing this to catch the detritus. i siphon out as much detritus as I can from tank & sump.
I feel like this is the cleanest my tank has ever been!!
My nitrates drop for a day to 40-60 and then go up to 80 - 80+
I'm going to continue to do frequent water changes.....
I only have 2-32 gallon brute garbage cans to do water changes which are heated when I do.
I was thinking of doing one massive water change since I have a dozen 5 gallon buckets I can store salt water in but I don't have a way to heat all those buckets...this is in basement which is about 68 degrees. Tank is 78 Half the water would be heated and half wouldn't be.
Would that be okay to do?
Also curious if the live rock is holding nitrates and leaching them back into water after each water change.....cuz it sure seems like it. What else could be holding all these nitrates??
I have ATS on order but 2 month wait until I get it and then probably another month or two before it can begin making an impact....hoping this will help.
I was also thinking of buying a doser and begin dosing vodka or vinegar because bio pellets don't seem to help. I did have some success lowering nitrates about 2 1/2 years ago with vodka dosing but work travel made me switch to bio pellets.