Does placment depend on color?


Premium Member
Sorry if this question has been brought up before, the search was not working for me. I was wondering if the placement of a zoa depends on what color it is? Do bright colors like reds, orange, yellow, pink like to be closer to light and darker colors lower or is it the opposite? I have 2x65 watt over my 29 gal so for me it makes a big difference sine I dont have expensive halides like some pepole. Any threads you can point me toward would be great.

It all depends on your lighting. In your case I'd say anywhere in your tank would be good for any color zoa preferably higher up in the tank given that zoas under PCs like having higher light to keep their colors vibrant. It gets trickier when you have MH lights as I've found certain colors tend to be sensitive to higher light such as pinks or light blues seem to prefer the bottom lower light conditions while reds, greens, and oranges seem to like the middle level of my tank. I have 2 250W 15K MH lights on my tank though so it might be different with lower wattage.
Thanks Ecotox, I appreciate that. I have tried all different levels in my tank it your right it does not seem to make much of a difference but then again Ive never had anyblues or pinks.
Does anyone now of any threads where this was a topic?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7082384#post7082384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tmplge
Thanks Ecotox, I appreciate that. I have tried all different levels in my tank it your right it does not seem to make much of a difference but then again Ive never had anyblues or pinks.
Does anyone now of any threads where this was a topic?

I noticed that my blues don't mind higher light but my pinks turned purple (I'm running dual 400w MHs over a 55g tank btw).
tp5056, I'm not sure if I clarified when I posted in this thread earlier but it does depend on the type of blue meaning if the blue is for example tubs blues then higher up the tank doesn't seem to matter but for blues such as AOI, alien eyes and blue eyed dragons, I've found lower in the tank to be more succesful. Other factors are at play though such as water quality and water flow so it's hard to generalize. My pinks will basically melt if I place them high up in my tank for some reason but if left lower they seem to be really happy.