Does This Sound Crazy, Two Sunpods on a 30 Cube?


New member
In order to get more light into my 30 gallon cube, full of SPS, I was thinking of adding another 150 watt sunpod to have two across the top. I looked at a 250 watt pendant fixture, but don't have a good spot to hang it from. Is the 150 watt 14 K single sunpod enough? Can two across the top work? It will fit physically.
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Since it will be intended for largely light-loving corals, I don't really see a problem with it. What is the height on that style tank?
The tank is about 20" deep to the top of the sand bed. The sunpod I use has the tank mounting legs so it is about 4 inches above the water, maybe its enough light already for the small footprint of the cube?
It is fine by itself, but if you wanted, you could add a second one. I would have it a bit further away from the water, though.
Which 150 watt DE 14K bulb has the most PAR? By the way, the light sit's on the tank rim and over a 1/4" piece of glass to eliminate salt spray/creep on the light. the first coral is about 8" to 12" below the light so that should be good.
Why would you need another 150W fixture?

In a tank that size the current fixture you have is more then sufficient to do the job.

If you are looking to increase color and growth of SPS concentrate on water clarity and quality first and foremost.
Good points jman77 and SunnyX,

I like the different wavelenght bulbs idea jamn77, if I add another fixture I'll do that. The reason I asked about more lighting SunnyX was because I wanted to put some of my SPS down lower as I have a lot now. I will see over the next month is the light I have is sufficient to keep the two millies I put down low, healthy. I do water changes and cleaning every week, my water param's look great and if that the deciding factor of goow color and growth, I'll be fine.
Like I said before, you would be fine with just one. I would see how that goes (plus it seems like you take excellent care of your tank) with one and if you decide that you may want more, then add it.