I like the idea of being able to have the bacteria accumulate more PO4 than they typically would. That would improve their nutrition to the corals and at the same time being able to keep the water column more nutrient poor, at least as far as unbound nutrients that often drive nuisance pets like GHA and Cyano.
Donovan your system would most likely be a source of bacteria plankton much like the DyMiCo filters are said to do. Although with them, they recommend you not use a protein skimmer to preserve the plankton in the water column for the corals.
I often wondered how they are able to operate that way (with no export for anything other than NO3), but perhaps if they are able to keep more of the PO4 sequestered in the plankton, than the corals could be the export ... or at least a desirable (hopefully) long term nutrient sink.
You have described nutrient recycling perfectly. Let your nutrient sink be something desirable. When you export it, you make money.