Dosers save money from the start.


New member
The highest selling quality German built doser on the market at $399 with 2 year warranty and known to last and last and last and........ LAST.


For an extra $100 to the nearest Eastern offing why even consider the risk? Buy once buy quality.

We also get many requests for the link of this review of the GHL Dosing system so here it is again
I'm looking for a automatic water change system and I am currently looking between two. This is one of them. The issue I have is that whatever I end up with will have to pull/push the water up 8' across 27' and then back down another 8'

Will these pumps be able to do that?
Non return valve. Under normal use yes but you are creating head pressure so to avoid undue wear and more to the point a safety precaution then it is best to employ a few dollar non return valve.