Dosing Help


New member
So can someone double check what I am doing. Three days ago my alk was 9.2 and calc 426. Today it is 8.5 and 421. So I use .23 alk per day and 1.6 calc per day. With 200 gallon volume I need to dose 68 ml of alk per day and 41ml of calc per day?

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Can’t check without knowing concentration of stock solutions. Are you using homemade, b-ionic, BRS 2 part?

If you post what your instructions say that would help. Example: 125ml of my balling salts add 1.75 dKH and 15ppm Ca to 27gal of water.
Alk looks right but I get 34ml using the calculator and selecting liquid cacl and discontinued jug (102.3ml to raise your water volume from 421 to 426 divided by 3).