Dosing pump and calcium reactor ( Not kalkreactor) question


I am wondering if the Profilux dosing pump can be used to feed a calcium reactor? I do mean calcium reactor and not kalkreactor. I was wondering if anyone had done this? I am not sure if the pump's out put can be varied. For example could I program the pump to an output of 30ml/min? Also, on top of variable flow, can I have the pump come on at certain hours? I usually only run my reactor when the lights are on the aquarium to help prevent ph drops. Also, is there an anti-siphon mechanism on the pump? I would not like the pressure of the reactor to push water back through the pump when the pump is off.

I looked on the Profilux website and could not find an answer to these questions, so thought I would ask here. I am looking to get the most out of my new controller. If I can do the above, I see a new doser in my future. I was looking at a peristaltic pump, but would rather use a Profilux dosing pump is possible.

The dossing punp dont have a high enough outpout to feed a reactor, you best bet would be a small MaxiJet...

The dossing pump have a very controled low flow ouput that is exelent for controling dossig aditive...

The dosing pump has a maximum output of 60 ML a minute but it is advised that the pumps do not run for more than 15 minutes at anyone time.

If you are only dosing 30ML this will be fine, providing you do not think the pump will be on for more than 15 minutes at any one time. Sorry Chris dont mean to go against your good advise.

I do not see a problem with programming the unit to be off in light out periods also.
Ha really, I'm sorry for some reason I tought you need a pump that would run and recirculate the water in the reactor... needing more then the recomend max output of the dosing pumps :c)

You do need a recirulating pump but also for optimal performance you also need (depending on the calcium reactor) a dosing pump to dose calcium rich water into the tank when required.
Thanks for the input. I am not talking about the pump to recirculate the water in the reactor itself. I am asking about a doser pump to pump water into the reactor.

I don't think the doser will work. For the reactor application, the doser would have to work continuously and not stop for 15 minutes. In my case, the doser would have to run for the 8 hours while my lights are on. Some people, I included used to run the reactor 24 hours a day and therefore the reactor would have to run continously. Also, the max output of 60 ml/min will not work as I would probably need more than than that output soon as my tank grows.

Thanks for the help. I will either stick with a maxi-jet or get an industrial peristaltic pump like a cole palmer or watson marlow.
No probs, everyone application is different and the control of a calcium reactor is always very specific to the users needs. In most cases the peri pump option would work but if you are looking to dose higher than 60ML then possibly a larger pump is Christian suggested maybe the better way to go.