dosing pump haywire ?

i tried to hook up my dosing pump to my controller (its not the stadn alone kind) and no matter which way i try to skin it, pump number 1 goes at max speed, pump 2 is not lit and 3-4 are lit even though its only a two pump unit. this only happens when i plug in the communication cable. the way it is hooked up is from the controller S1-S4 to the digital powerbar and daisy chain from the powerbar to the dosing pump. i tried hooking it up to S5-S8 directly and same thing. i programmed the digital powerbar plug 1-6 and unplugged the com cable. plugged in the doser and programmed it like a powerbar 7-8. still same thing. is the unit faulty?
The dosing are reacting the the S1 to S4 socket, so they are not gone mad.
1st is the digital powerbar selected?
2nd have you programmed the Dosing station to react to S7 and up.
When doing so, disconnect everything in the S port and only plug the dosing station and do the programmation sequence!

After the programmation is done, then daisy chain them!
Programming means that everything that GHL sell if default to s1tos6 for digital powerbar and the same for dosing station example a 3 pump dosing station will be S1-S3, therefor this will conflict with the digital powerbar.
That is where the programmation comme into play, you disconnect everything that is connected to the S1-S4 plug an only connect the Dosing station.
After that is done you go "Socket Function" at the lower right hand corner there is a button the says "Program....." Click there and program you dosing station to respond to the S# that you want. if you choose S13, then the 1st pump will react to the s13 and the 2nd will be s14.
And after that is done, you can daisy chain everything.
i knew it was just an operator error... i was doing what you are describing, i had just unplugged the com cable on the doser because it was going nuts... when i did the programming of the bar, although the com cable was plugged into the head unit, it was never really communincating with the dosing pump... realized i am a dumba$$ and guess what? works fine lol. thanks for your help...
now, if i want to dose kalk, do i want to hook the pump on so that it is pumping water into the kalk rx (and pushing out through the rx into the tank) or do i want it to suck water from the kalk rx into the sump of the tank?
How much kalk you dose is all down the draw of minerals each and every system individually draws, nobody can give you this figure it all comes down to testing and setting a balance