Dosing Pump Timming?


New member
Hey guys..

I have 8 dosing pumps on my ProIIex.
Pump 1 - Calc
Pump 2- Alk
Pump 3 - Mg

I have them dosing 6x per day, 5ml... I do not want Pump 1 and 2 EVER to dose at the same time...

How the heck do I even know when they are dosing.. aside from sitting there watching the pumps for a few hours to see when they go off.. I do not know how to figure this one out...

Calc + Alk *might* = precipitation, and that's bad btw.. LOL...

So is there a way to know??
i had asked the same question...from what i understand the system will automatically not run 2 pumps at the same time...
Thanks Larryfl1 for the response.

Not that I'm 100% doubting, but I am a doubter by nature.

Is there some one from PROFILUX who might want to chime in and support the question?

How does this work?

How much time is forced between dosing intervals?
Another enhancement in automatic mode would be to display when the next dosing will occur on each pump channel, so we know exactly when it will happen. It would be nice to also display this info on the screen.

As I think mentioned above the GHL software will not allow overlap dosing, not one pump can fire at the same time as another.

Hope that reasures ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15505061#post15505061 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AQD_ottawa

As I think mentioned above the GHL software will not allow overlap dosing, not one pump can fire at the same time as another.

Hope that reasures ;)

Thanks, but it only 1/2 answers the question.

What is the overlap interval?

Why do I want to know?
Dosing Ca and ALK within a few seconds of each other, i.e. one stops the the other starts, will cause the Ca to percipitate out... this is why i'm asking... (think baling method here)...

I've seen building up of White gunk, on one of the dosing tubes... this percipitation could have been caused by the dosing pumps having too much raw Ca and ALK (salts) in the system together.

Therefore, I am curious what the dosing interval is that ensures no overlap occurs.

The answer to this question could result in me having to re-configure where the Ca and ALK get dosed into the sump area so that they are not right next to each other they way they are now...
I believe the answer is 15 minutes after the first one ends, second pump will start, and 15 minutes after that 3 one will start and will go on that way. This was mentioned in the main GHL forum. This is my understanding.

If you want to make sure and want to know exact timing of dosing, I would use the timer function and assign the sockets to timers you have set up, that way you know for sure there is no overlapping.
Thanks for helping.

I have the baling method running, with 6 dosing per day at 5ml/interval. I guess i could make some detailed timers but changing the dosing sessions would be very laborious wouldn't it.. going from 30lm/day over 6 intervals, to 25ml/day over 6 intervals would definitely take some time to fix...

Good solution for sure if the system is not setup properly... and thanks for that!

If, however, the 15min interval, then we are good as gold...

BTW, what is the "Main GHL Forum" you speak of?
Thanks for the link.. The specific thread I found implies that the pumps start "planning" their timing intervals as follows;

Pump 1: 00:00:00am for first dosing
Pump 2: 00:07:30am for first dosing
Pump 3: 00:15:00am for first dosing
Pump 4: 00:22:30am for first dosing
Pump 5: 00:30:00am for first dosing
Pump 6: 00:37:30am for first dosing
Pump 7: 00:45:00am for first dosing
Pump 8: 00:52:30am for first dosing

There are many opportunities for dosign overlap if you are dosing for long periods of time (1-2 minutes) it gets even worse... And if any one pump has a duty cycle of over 7.5 min, it will overlap at least once a day, but likely many times....

However, given most dosing that I do (and I think most people do) is in the 10second range (30ml/day / 6 intervals = 5ml / interval on a 60ml/min pump = 2 seconds duty cycle) the overlap possiblities are very small...

I see that, in general, there is no easy algorithim to implement that can ensure that no two pumps are active at the same time given the variableness of the pump function...

60ml/day * 10 intervals is just as possible as 60ml/day at 60 intervals with this system, and spread that flexability across 8 dosing pumps... the chances for run-in's are very high... but, there's no real way to avoid it either...

If i've messed this up, or missed something, pls let me know... but I have an answer to the question now... and, more importantly, I know how the logic works, so I can setup my controller to ensure that the cycles never overlap...
I am vince in Korea.
I am happy to read this thread that I want to ask.

I will dose 2-part (KH,CA) and I have SA 3 dosing pump. If I set up #1 pump for KH and #3 pump for CA, The interval between #1 and #3 will be 15minutes.

Is it OK to set them like this?
It is ok... it works...

The only problem would be if KH was dosing for more than 15min intervals then it would overlap with CA...

Of course you could set interval of Pump 1 to 6 times per day and pump 3 to 10 times a day, then things get really screwy... You'd have to use MS Excel or something.. Pump 1 would go starting at 00:00:00 and then every 4 hours.... where pump 3 would start at 00:15:00 and every 360min there after...
Thanks for reply.

How about this?

1. Start Setting #1 Pump at 10:00 AM and Dose the Ca liquid every hour(6times). --> 10:00~16:00
2. Start Setting #3 pump at night and Dose KH liguid during every hour (6times) --> 00:00~06:00

Does it work too?
There is no way, that i know of, to set the "inital dosing time" as you suggest above. All dosing pumps start at 00:00:00, however if you have 2 or more pumps trying to "dose" at the same time the system delays the extra pumps by 7min 30seconds.
Sorry to hijack but is there a way to do the opposite? As in have both do the same dosing at the same time?
Why not just set specific timer functions if you want specific control over dosing times? You don't have to use the dosing function ...
Timmers would be the only way, I can think of, to accomplish that, however I believe that you still might run into the 7.5/min gap between dosing pump rule. You'll have to run some tests and see.

Say the current time is 8pm

Create a timer (Timer 1) for 08:05:00pm off at 08:05:10pm - this way you can see the results in a few min... 10second dosing... if you are using the standard dosing pumps, they are 60ml/min, or 1ml/sec therefore you will be dosing 10ml by using this timmer.

Then associate Dosing Pump 1 & 2 to Timer 1

The association is done in the extra's menu, in a sub menu. I cannot for the life of me remember the name (I'm at work)... But it'ps where you configure your digital devices... Sockets I think its called. Anyhow, right now you'll likely have Socket X associated to Dosing Pump 1... Just have it associated to Timer 1 instead.

What that will do is turn on whatever is associated with Socket X - which used to be a dosing profile, but now is a timer on/off profile.

At 8:05:00pm the pumps will come on, because of timer 1 association to the socket. If both pumps turn on, then you have your answer to your question. If they do not, you still have your answer, but it is not a nice answer... :)

Hope that helps...