Double fist size rock with 100+ armor gods zoas on it. Frag it or sell whole


New member
I have a fairly big rock (the man made eco rock that faois sells) and it has easily 100+ armor of God's zoas on it. It doesn't fit in my biocube that well. Looking to sell the rock but I'm unsure if anyone on here would buy the rock with large colony on it or if I should just smash the rock and sell like 20 or so frags of it. Making frags would make me more money but I'd hate to frag it up. I've been growing the zoas from a 5p frag I bought last year. So what are your thoughts, sell as a whole or break it and sell the frags. I'll attach pics but I can't get a pic of the back side of the rock, and the curved glass makes it harder to take a pic of lol but you'll get the idea


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Got quite a few people asking how much for the whole rock and no one likes the price haha. I think hammer and screwdriver is gonna be my best option for selling it unfortunately šŸ˜‘

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