Double Skirted Zoa's Rare or Not?

Double Skirted Zoa's Rare or Not?

  • Rare.

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Common.

    Votes: 35 79.5%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
A statement on another thread caused me to wonder, just how rare are Double Skirted Zoa's. I have seen this trait numerous times and always thought it was a common trait. Since reading the other thread I'm wondering if what Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve seen was unique or common. Please post your thoughts on this topic and if you have a Double Skirt pic please post so we can see if this is truly a rare trait.
I'll start this off with some I have.



I guess I never really thought of that as a "double skirt". Most of the zoas I have are like that where they are staggered with one up, and one lower.... interchanging kind of...

I am just looking through my gallary of zoas. (At work so I can't look at the tanks :( ) All the pics that you can see the skirt good have them this way...

So I am going to have to say, not rare at all IME
As I look through other threads and sites that have close up pics... I am seing that just about all the zoas have this staggered skirt to them... In fact I would say it's RARE not to have that... :lol:
Wow, this incredible! As of now this thread has had 66 hits and only 7 voted. Come on lurkers, I know you have an opinion. ;)
I actually watched a polyp grow a second skirt. It started at the mouth with small stubby hairs. The skirt grew in length as it moved down out from the mouth until if finally reached outside row. Really weird, but I don't think it was rare, possibly just an evolutionary trait.
I wrote in another thread that i though all zoas had double skirts, but i was told i was wrong. I think they all have two rows.
Art has a TON of really nice zoos. Every time I say that I have traded for this zoo or bought this zoo, he's like "yeah, I have those too." Ha hah. I mean we live like 5 minutes apart so you'd think I would check with him before any zoo purchases.