Dr. Burgess's atlas of marine aguarium fishes


New member
it it wrong in a lot of info I know first hand.
very expensive too, for an almost 800 page hard cover book.
I've seen those at bookstores- it's a real gripe of mine to go to one of the big book retailers and see their shelves lined with antiquated editions, or just plain poorly informed material.
We got it a lot cheaper than retail over the internet. I thought it would be more current because it is the third edition.
Steve, could you point out some of the inconsistancies/debatable info? I don't own it, but I remember we used to have it at the LFS I worked for as a reference, and thumbing through it, I found one or two things I didn't agree with, but don't remember what. Remember a similar issue being brought up for an Axelrod guide for FW.
Pandora, this is a for instance. I just got a Queen angel, and I know they can reach around 18" in the ocean. The book says 9.75" and the minimum size tank as 78 gallons.

BTW, Alexrod has fled the country and is a wanted man. I can't remember why. Maybe for giving inaccurate fish information.:lol:
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