Dream Build Diary


New member
My name is Kyle, I am new to Reef Central.

I have been reefing for roughly 2 years in a JBJ Nanocube. I have long wanted a larger tank, and I am now beginning the process of planning and building the entire setup and system. I look forward to all of your advice and encouragement, and I hope that what I learn along the way can be helpful to other reefers. I am going to reserve this first post for the current status of the tank, and the second post for the current project I am pursuing. then subsequent posts for questions, or comments. please feel free to let me know what you think of the project, and if you have any advice please feel free to share. so, without further ado, here is the summary of the project.

I am looking for a display tank some where in the 150-200 gallon range. I am going to plumb the tank through the floor to a basement sump. in the basement I am going to have RO/DI unit, Freshwater reservoirs, Saltwater mixing reservoirs, a Deep sand bed, a refugium, and a sump pump area with a capacity of around 50 gallons. I plan on using fail-safe gravity fed plumbing whenever possible and I would like to use as few pumps as possible. I hope to run almost completely biological filtration, with no skimmer. The tank will be predominantly for corals (Lps and softies mostly) and other inverts, there may be a couple of fish, but I do not plan on keeping many fish. I am going to attempt to automate much of the processes involved in maintaining the tank either through purchased controllers or though self programmed and built arduino controllers. I am not opposed to building the tank myself, in fact that has always interested me. I have very little background with plumbing, only basic home repair.

well that is all for now, I will update with more info when I get the chance.


ok, I just happened upon a 140 gallon tank on craigslist for $50, it doesn't come with a stand, but at least I have my display tank. I will have to frame up a stand for it, does anyone have advice, or a resource to reference regarding building stands for large tanks?
I am sketching out a parts list for the basement sump setup, plumbing, pumps, tanks, barrels, power, lighting and stands. does anyone who has a basement sump have suggestions regarding pumps, I have about a 11' drop from the top edge of the DT to the pump intake in the sump, and I am hoping to push around 1200-1600 GPH through the sump. I don't have a ton of experience with pumps, and I want something reliable above all else, price is a secondary concern. Also, I haven't decided if I want a submerged pump or an air pump (suggestions are always welcome!).

side note: I am probably going to employ a BeAnAnimal style style herbie overflow and have the durso go to my refugium and the rest flow through the sump (still in the air about the sump/fuge setup)
To do list: (since I cannot for some reason edit my above posts)

1.) I need to build a stand for the 140 gallon tank I just picked up on craigslist.

2.) I need to build an automated water system (RO/DI -> Freshwater reservoir -> ATO/Saltwater mixing reservoir -> Continuous Water change system) from scratch (automating as much as possible, and using what I can find available)

3.) I need to plumb a BeAn Animal style Herbie Overflow into my DT and through the flow into the sump in the basement.

4.) I need to build a refugium with a VDSB separate from the sump (feed by the Durso from the overflow to keep the flow low)

5.) I need to build any/all stands and storage for my supply room in the basement including sump, refugium, sump pump, water system, and any salt mix or other materials needed to maintain my system.

6.) I need to install an electrical subsystem (with it's own circuit breaker) for the aquariums.

7.) I need to build a lighting system (I have a MH lamp and reflector, but otherwise I need to build from scratch (I would love to use LEDs but the initial price of entry is simply higher than I can stand right now.) so a scaffold to hold the MH (maybe 2) and a few T5s. As well as a skin to match whatever skin I put on the stand from #1.

8.) I would like to build a monitoring system similar to a Reefkeeper system, I have a programming background and I have started working with an Ardunio micro-controller. I hope to have the following functionality in my system => a.) the ability to track current and past conditions from a spectrum of sensors (which would most likely expand over time) including pH, temp, salinity, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. b.) the ability to adjust pumps and lighting (i.e. dosing, randomizing flow, handle light cycle, etc.) c.) alert me to any emergency conditions (i.e. over dosing, ammonia spike, temp spike (high or low), etc.)

9.) anything else I think of between now and when this gets setup.


I am hearing good things about the blueline HD series, i am thinking maybe a 70 or possibly a 100 if I feel like i need more flow.



I saw a suggestion on another forum of using foam stock tanks as a sump, the come in 100 gallon capacities, and come with a bulk head already. is there anything that should concern me about using one of these?