
New member
Ok guys, yes I am new on here, and maybe only 2, or 3 people on here even knows me!! What I'm about to tell everybody is 100% the truth!!
I've been debating to stir this hornets nest up or not since the worst tank build just so happen to me!! But those far, and specially those near me, possibly building a big dream tank, it's a must read!!

Please bare with me on this story of a newbie getting a huge tank build, with his new dream home!! Even If I could just help prevent 1 person from having this happen to them, it will be worth the time it took my slow typing but to write this! Nobody deserves the nightmares I encountered trying to fulfill a child hood dream!!
Even though my home was going to take 3 years to build, 20,000 sq.ft. is time consuming btw!!
I knew my time was going to be short, because the tank was going upstairs, and knew they had to frame the area of the tank with metal beams to support the weight, and run all the plumbing from the pump/sump room, to the future spot of the aquarium!!!
I still had a few weeks to interview several of houstons best tank builders, and after that time had came, and gone!!
I really thought I had picked Houston's top shop, that was going to build me my dream tank, at the time they were in Houston, which I was 50 miles north of them, and they had already started construction on a new shop 15 minutes away, plus they have shops in other cities!! So I felt confident!!!

The owner, said they would stand by there tanks/systems, and Maintence, and take care of it weekly since I'm a newbie!!
Well after the framing design was completed, every pipe, ran, and plumbed to the locations specs!!
all looked well, and everything seemed to be off running smoothly!!
Fast forward to January of 2015, I called the owner, said its been 2& half years, and the home build was slightly ahead of schedule, would that be a problem?
He said no, not at all, everything is ready for delivery, and install!!
So they installed everything March of 2015, and after that is when it started to go down hill!!
Those random calls, that were being answered, were now being sent to voice mail, and when i did talk to him, he said he would have to find out, and call me back!!
Never got that call back!! Well when we found out in April, that we were moving in sometime in the 2nd-3rd week of May, I just drove there, face to face, and told him, y'all have had over 2 years for this build, and we need to get this tank operating the week the electricity is turned on, in case of any unfortunate bugs that might need to be worked out!!

Well we moved in May of 2015, and they basically came out, filled the tank up with saltwater/water, and lots of live rock,(which I might say was way to much live rock, and had nothing to prevent a rock slide) which I pointed out, because it just didn't look stable!! he said NO WORRIES, That won't happen!!
Then out of nowhere, he says, will you be home tomorrow, I'm like yes sir, why?
He replies, because I'm bringing over the owner of a tank Maintence shop 20 minutes from your house, cause they'll be closer, and easier to contact!!
even though they had a move in date at there new shop coming up really soon!! not long from the day he told me!! Well nobody came the next day, or any time that next week!!
At this point, I went from feeling comfortable, having the same guys take care of my tank, that built it, to having God knows who coming to take care of it!!
So a week after they turned on everything, it went from working, to everything stopping like somebody turned the power off!! All breakers/gfi's were fine, it had something to do with there system!!!
I called him up kinda freaking out, but I kept my cool, and never disrespected him, and he tells me he's booked up for a few weeks, that the tank will be ok not running, it'll just look nasty, and when they fix it, they'll clean it up like new!! Well 3 weeks it took, for them to get there, this time he brings over the owner of that tank maintenance company he was wanting me to use, instead of them, saying they were to busy!!
I'm like when I was interviewing shops to build my tank, you didn't act like you were to busy, and that you'd have my back since I was a newbie!!
I'm just at lost for words at this point!!
Well the tank pump/functioning finally starting working on June 1, 2015, almost 3 weeks of stagnant water, and live rock just sat there!!!
Well the pump malfunctioned again, and the tank was even worse!
So I call the owner again, telling him, he didn't fix there shops screw ups!!!
He tells me to contact the Maintence shop, that's taking over!!
I'm like, so I spent over $30,000 to receive a nasty stank tank, sitting in a million dollar home, that's broke, and screwed up because of you, and you team!

So anyways, no disrespect to the new shop, I just didn't know them yet!!
So out of desperation, of not knowing any forums, or anybody that would help!!
I really felt like I had nobody, and no one that gave a damn, so I called the owner of that shop, and leveled with him!! I'm desperate, I don't care what it cost please just fix it!!
Then go through it all, cause I'm sure, by the looks of things there is probably other things not right!!
In about a week a week or less he got the water in the tank clear, and even got to the point so quick, he was working on getting the salinity, and perimeters back in shape!! Well like I said earlier the live rock looked unstable, and sure enough, there was a live rock avalanche!! Ugh!!
So the owner of the Maintence company who is still new to me, told me they butchered this build!
That the actual owner of now several well respected shops, was giggling the last time the 2 cross paths, saying that's why he rather build fresh water tanks!!

I mean this guy used pool pumps, a skimmer that was rated for a 100g tank!!
not for a 800g tank!!
Since it was a new home build, I had the tank builder, and my home builder, get together to design the perfect pump/sump room, it would be a simple 1 day labor job to have everything done the right way, but the owner was asked twice!! And my builder even said, bud are you sure it doesn't need to be insulated, and he said NO repeatedly! It Had no water chillers, no heaters, everything was just a huge mess!! Even the nice guy that took over this mess asked him, doesn't it get in the mid to upper 90's here? He said yes!! My guy, what made you not put a water chiller on it? I mean this company is very very big in the state of Texas!!

Guys n Gals, like I said, at the time, I was completely illiterate to how to build a saltwater tank, and a proper pump room, for all the tanks needs!!
So I'm sure I sound, and look stupid, but I really thought he had my back, and wanted to do a great job, since this home is going to be in about 5 or 6 custom home magazines, and on 2 tv shows!!
Wouldn't y'all think that man would want the top notch advertisement he was going to get?
I even told him, during 2 of the magazine interviews, and 1 of the tv shows, he should be there, and give a page article, and how ever long segment the tv show would allow!!
Instead, after 3 months of hell, postponing 3 magazines, and both tand another $15,000, we started adding very small numbers of fish, and coral!!
So I'm at $45k, I finally got the best of the best stuff!!
Last thing being installed this weekend is my apex, and a 8 way doser, and hopefully, I can start enjoying it!!!
I do have a question y'all might be able to give me some answers, or even maybe something to check!!
So after 2 months of the tanks cycling, getting everything close to perfect, we added a few fish, they all looked great, healthy stress free!!

I know this is a very long post, but I just wanted to get that off my chest!!
Crooks like this man, shouldn't be alowed to be in this business!!
So all my fellow members far, and away, and anybody in Texas looking to get a big reef mainly tank, think twice before you pick out some shop, having this forum would have helped me, and friends that are in this hobby are mostly good people, that enjoy the hobby so much, they enjoy helping!!!
Brandon the owner of zoanthids.com, has talked to me for hours on the phone helping me get through this, and a hour before we started talking, he didn't even know I existed!!!!!
Very soon Brandon is going to have my crazy zoo garden growing out of control with tons of rare zoanthids, and when that happens, it'll make this like 6 months!!! Feel a lot better
He's a ideal genuine good guy, in the business of the love of the hobby, and that's what us, in this hobby need more of, and a lot less of jackasses that almost destroyed my tank before I put a single fish in it!!
Thanks for reading, and I promise my future post will be of pics, and one liners!!
Thanks again

Unfortunately with almost any business when people/companies see big $$$ customers they get screwed the worse and taken advantage of. I think you should name the company that did this to you, otherwise it helps no one and another customer may fall victim to the same fate. Signing up on RC was a good move. Make friends with people in your area who have tanks. Join a reef club. Host a reef club meeting. These people are going to be the ones you can trust for advice. However, at the end of the day it really needs to be you who does the research and homework. Good luck.

Post a picture of your setup.
I'm a houston reefer too. I'd like to know this businesses name as well so I have nothing to do with them. You should join marsh-reef.org. It's a Houston area forum. Lots of great people and tanks here in Houston.
I'm on the fence here. I feel for you that you put your trust in a business and they let you down. That sucks. But when you were spending that much cash did you not think of doing a little research into the equipment they were suggesting/installing? You never did say what size your tank was. I would expect anyone I gave my money to to stand behind their product and service, and in this case it doesn't sound like the business did that.

Statements like "so I spent over $30,000 to receive a nasty stank tank, sitting in a million dollar home" make me feel like you just threw money at something and expected it to be like a new car sitting in your driveway. A reef tank is a living breathing microcosm that requires knowledgeable care. I get it, some people just want to look at the pretty fish and corals. I think you should have, and still should invest a little more of your time to learning the ins and outs before opening your wallet more.

This forum, and others like it are a haven for newbies and educating them! If you would have posted the basic suggested setup on the forum two years ago people on here would have had your system straightened out for you. At least you would have avoided the major equipment issues.

I hope you end up with a nice tank that grants you some peace and quiet. Just don't be afraid to get your elbows wet :)
I feel for you tremendously! I have been in the hobby for close to 25 years and I will say I've been through many, many headaches including unusable equipment, poor advice, bad judgement calls ect but nothing boils my blood more than poor service! Yes there are good companies out there but there are just as many poor ones as well. The difficult part is as you found out is how to pick a genuine great care establishment. When getting into the hobby or taking on a large new project that you are looking for advice you expect "professional" advice from an aquatics establishment to take you to an end goal that is exciting and successful. That's why you went to them, asked for help and purchased product from them...right? When you expect a certain amount of service and receive very little as in your case it can be maddening! I get what you have been thru for I too have been there and have even gone as far as contacting attorney generals and legal advice. In fact I got out of the hobby a few years back and am now back in for I refused to let unprofessional individuals and companies ruin my passion for an awesome hobby I enjoy so much. I agree with looking into local clubs and find out what the reputable stores are to help you get things turned around. I hope from here on out you get more enjoyment than frustration. Good luck and remember you are not alone!��
One of the challenges in this hobby is getting good advice from non-hobbyists. Unfortunately, after a year or two running your setup you will determine that you want to make many changes now that you understand things better. Hopefully your fish room is adequate in size to accommodate changes. The advantage to a large system like yours is that water quality is easier to control than small tanks.
I have found the more automated the system the easier it is to enjoy the tank. If you don't have a quarantine system for fish I would make some space for it to ensure you are protecting the main tank from issues.
If you used an architect for the house did they learn about what you might need for the fish tank and plan accordingly? Did they put in a floor drain? Use an epoxy floor? Add a water tap for an RODI unit?

I am an architect and if a client of ours mentioned adding a fish tank we would have researched to make sure the necessary systems were provided for your equipment and space.
With all due respect for members of this forum and members of local fish clubs, I think it is a rare individual who can give you advice on how to set up an 800 gallon system. It is also rare to find a local fish shop who knows how to set one up, either. Most of their customers will be setting up tanks under 100 gallons. If the shop you go to also does freshwater tanks then you can figure that 70-80% of their business is freshwater. You'll have a better chance of success with a shop that is 100% saltwater.

The size of the market for really big custom tanks is pretty small, so there is not much room for anyone to gain a lot of experience in this stuff. Such individuals and companies do exist, but there are very few potential customers who can afford to look for them. Forums like this one give you an opportunity to see how others went about doing something, but there is no-one here who can qualify their recommendations ("On the internet, no-one knows you're a dog.") or guarantee your results will be the same.

I am not making excuses for the local vendor who obviously let you down, but I think you have learned the same lesson so many have made before: that you really need to read as many books as you can up front to become an educated and knowledgeable buyer in a field fraught with potential disaster at every turn.

share some pics. kind of weird that someone with 2 posts pops in talking about his dream tank and huge home. personally I have spent lots of money on lots of things and I always learned the processes associated with everything, even if I didn't do the actual work. if this is real I feel for you
hmmm......i'm reading your post and noticed you welcome advice, here is mine...per your post "I still had a few weeks to interview several of houstons best tank builders, and after that time had came, and gone!!
I really thought I had picked Houston's top shop, that was going to build me my dream tank, at the time they were in Houston, which I was 50 miles north of them, and they had already started construction on a new shop 15 minutes away, plus they have shops in other cities!! So I felt confident!!!"

this vendor seems very rare in the trade, multiple shops in different cities with a new shop in construction. imo, they must know what they are doing to have this kind of success? not to sound harse, but maybe the problem was not them??
Ok 1st thanks to those, that at least believe me that this happen!!
2nd it's Pretty ignorant, i am getting the hints from some think I'm lying!!
I have more to do in life then to sit on my cell phone for 2 hours, to write this!!
I agree 100% way to long, but I didn't want to leave anything out, and yet I still did, but we will go back to that when I inform y'all who it is!!
Now that I'm fully awake, I will mention the stores name, even though he was suppose to ship me a couple items!! Not worried about it now!!
Then I plan on turning him into the better Business Bureau!!
2nd I mentioned the size of the tank!!
3rd, I mentioned that I know I am a newbie on here, with the exception of about 2-3 people who I think are members on here!!
Johnike, if members are on here like you I will go somewhere else!!
I live in Houston, Texas, I've spent $500 with the guy, that lives or works in Utah!!
I just had To mention him, because out of all the people to offer me any help in this mess, Brandon asked emediatly, even offered to even fly down!!
So yes, when I meet a stand up guy like him, I going to go sure mention his kindness!!
Yes my architect met with the owner several times, but he builds homes, and is very well known famous builder!! So this is on me, but I saw this shops aquariums inside malls, and he was so professional at first, I really thought it was going to be a good drama free build..
On the pictures, I went down below, and clicked on attachments, and it's kept saying upload error.. I have a iPhone 6+, can I post pics, if so tell me how!!
Or I can go to that website, which I'm drawing a blank, and post pictures there, and leave the link to the page here!!
Anyways let me know..
I'm not on here looking for sympathy, now looking back on it, and seeing how easy it is to join clubs/forums, and how nice a lot of guys are on the Internet, it's my fault, I just want to make sure, the next person in my situation, makes the correct choices!!!
I'm sure with the hints a made, those from Houston has to have a idea who it is? If not I will open up, and tell everybody, as soon as i am able to post pics, since by the sound of it I must prove I'm not making this up!!
Till then thanks to those with kind words, and please pm me more info on the local clubs, and other fun forums!!
hmmm......i'm reading your post and noticed you welcome advice, here is mine...per your post "I still had a few weeks to interview several of houstons best tank builders, and after that time had came, and gone!!
I really thought I had picked Houston's top shop, that was going to build me my dream tank, at the time they were in Houston, which I was 50 miles north of them, and they had already started construction on a new shop 15 minutes away, plus they have shops in other cities!! So I felt confident!!!"

this vendor seems very rare in the trade, multiple shops in different cities with a new shop in construction. imo, they must know what they are doing to have this kind of success? not to sound harse, but maybe the problem was not them??

When my system started messing up, as in not working at all, I didn't feel comfortable using another Maintence crew, that he recommended!!
So I had a 2, and 3rd opinion!! All said it looked like the company didn't specialize in saltwater tank systems!! The actual tank is beautiful!!
It's behind the scenes where it was a disaster!!
The Maintence shop I am using now, even heard the owner after the fact, say thankfully i don't have to deal with saltwater systems very often!!
Wish he would have said that before the build..
I'll ask my Maintence guy if he minds if I use his shops name!!
He really did turn this tank back around, to where it should have been, when I moved in!!
I even had small talk when I was at "That Aquarium", a cool fish/coral shop in spring,tx!!
they have some really nice fish at that store!!
So I was in there shopping, and started having a conversation with other customers, that I knew were veterans at this!! They simply ask who did my tank, I told them, and all of them made a awkward face!!
Please elaborate your last sentence? Because everything that happen, I wouldn't wish that on anyone!!
Specially in a new home like this!!
Hey guys here are a few quick pics, and a couple videos..
I'm heading out, to enjoy the beautiful day here in lake Conroe!!
And y'alls answer to he built this tank/system is FISH GALLERY!!!
If your friends with them sorry, but I have several witnesses that know the hell, roger, and his team has caused!!! As well as pour customer service, and the refusal to make it right!!!
Sincerely Jason Thornhill!!
Hope you like the videos of my home, and tank, I will take more soon!!!
You guys enjoy your weekend!!

Best bet for pictures is as you mentioned. Upload to a dedicated photo serving site like Photobucket, Flickr, etc. and then link back here. When you link, use the photo server's Direct Url. In the RC editor here, use the yellow mountain icon and paste the Direct URL into it.

I agree with Dave educating yourself Is your best defense against disaster ! Even extreme reef junkies suffer from random disasters . On an 800 gallon tank I would done the research and planning to the 2nd degree . Creating a reef tank of that magnitude is no joke ...... The Reef Aquarium volume one two and three by Julian Sprung and
charles Delbeek , just some light reading....
Well it's no question, I didn't do the proper research!! I wanted to post this months ago, but wanted to let the dust settle!! If you know what I mean..
My tank is running amazing now, just had to rebuild the entire system!!
I just wanted to inform people, that fish gallery who is very big, admitted after the build, they don't prefer to do saltwater tanks, and I really think they do not have anybody that knows how!! There actual tanks are nice!! But the design, and build of the over all system which is by far the most important, is where they don't have a clue..
Yes I thought I did my research, I was wrong!!
I know about it all now!!
I'm just giving my Houston, and surrounding peeps a heads up!!!
So can you see the pics and videos I posted earlier?
Jason, I know how you must feel expecting some one to do what they say they will. It seems every generation is getting less dependable. There are a lot of good people on this forum and most of them want to see people succeed with their new tanks. We have all been let down some time or other and we just have to chalk it up. It's a costly mistake, but one that we will remember....There are so many shops out there just trying to make all they can and don't think about the golden rule. It will come back to them one day. I hope you the best and I know people on this forum will be glad to help you with all your questions. I don't know how to post a picture either so I am going to try to get one of my boys to help me with that. Good luck to you and hope to see some pics soon...