drilling a 75g?


In Memoriam
has anyone drilled a 75g before? i have the standard sized 75g, and i'm interested in converting it to reef, from african cichilds.
It depends on the brand of tank. All Glass typically have non-tempered sides and back, with the bottom being tempered.

I have drilled two All-Glass 75g tanks with success, and one O'Dell 55g with disaster (found out later the bottom/front and back were tempered, the end panels were not) I just picked the wrong side to drill. :)
I drilled my 75g AGA as well.

get a diamond coated hole saw off ebay from asia for 10bucks or so and have a blast.

assuming your tearing down the tank anyway, the drilling itself is easy as pie.
is there a way to figure out the tank brand? i've had it for so long and i got it as a gift about 10 years ago.
I drilled my Oceanic 75g as well. Bottom pane on that is tempered, rest aren't. Call the manufacturer just to be sure.

I second Areze's recommendation about getting a Hong Kong Holesaw...don't bother with a dremel if all you want is a round bulkhead hole!

on an older tank there is a greater chance of it being tempered unfortunatly. seems as of late almost none are, but at one time almost all were.

there is a way to tell by using polorized glasses or something, I dont know the specifics, but if the tanks over 10 years old, I think Id definitly try that. and at the end of the day Id drill it outside and be somewhat prepared to purchase a new tank in the worst case. atleast they dont cost too much for a 75g. and besides we both know you'll get a 90g if you replace it anyway :p
and besides we both know you'll get a 90g if you replace it anyway

why do you think i'm trying to drill a 10yr old tank in the first place? :D

lol, thank you for all the suggestions guys. i'll find out the manufacturer and see if it's safe to drill my 75g.
quick way to tell. im the corner of your tank (somewhere that will be possible to cover) take a glass cutter and cut a small line in the glass. if the knife glides across the glass like a butter knife, its tempered, if it cuts its not. Cheers
I wouldn't risk drilling the bottom glass....its like 50% if you cant find out which brand it is.....but the back glass should be ok....it's pretty rare to find a temperd back glass....

I drilled mine in the back.....it was a piece of cake....get a drill and some diamondbid holesaw....you can get one on ebay from china for very cheap and they are good....one thing you can do to help you is get some clay and do a ram around the hole where you're going to drill and pour some coolant....i used olive oil and it was good

you can drill right at the bottom and do a 90 elbow to do the durso standpipe mod...so no need to drill the bottom if u dont really have to...
good luck