Drive unit part number?


Hi Roger,
I'm trying to get a spare drive unit for my comline 3130/2. It uses a Tunze 230.04a powerhead. I tried the Tunze website, but couldn't come up with the part number. Could you help me out? I need the drive unit plus the upper and lower bearing caps. My current one is working fine, but I like to keep spares for all my life support systems!

BTW, I just added two 7300/2 turbelles to complement the two 6100's on my 200 gal. I'm -very- happy with the flow in that tank now!
thanks, Mike
3000.60. This is the drive unit for all Tunze puimps except the Streams and those made prior to July of 2000. It includes everything except the actual impeller blades which are quite difficlt to break so I wouldn't worry about it, I sell one a year, it is that infrequent to need new blades.
Thanks Roger, I'm already set then as I have a spare drive unit for my 7300 turbelles. I appreciate the rapid response!
Heh, I thought I was slow today. Trying to learn some electronics and work on some projects so I had to focus on that.