Dry Rock Advice


I have a couple of hundred pounds of dry rock that was once live rock.

The rock was in a 150g tank that was sitting in a house a buddy of my bought out of foreclosure, knew I liked aquariums and told me to go get it.
The rock turned out be really nice shapes so I cleaned it all up and have it in garbage cans and now is completely dry.

What is the process to get the rock ready/reactivated for a new setup? Does it make any sense to have it sitting in saltwater in the cans while I am piecing together my new tank. Should I add anything to the water? Would natural seawater be better for this kind of thing?

Don't really know. Ideas??
You need to cycle the rock put in sea water and add a pump test water until all parameters read zero then can add to tank.
I did an acid bath with my Pukani and then have had it curing in a trash can with flowing saltwater for some time now. I've added a few pieces to my nano and QT tank and no algae grows on it whatsoever. Phos reads close to 0. I was doing regular waterchanges on it as well. At the very beginning I also used some lanthanum chloride to help speed the process.

At the very least I'd let it sit in a can with a powerhead for a couple of months with maybe a water change or 2. Hitting it with the hose before starting to get any loose debris off wouldn't be a bad idea either.