Dsa 105 rimless build

go for it, great quality, nice seams, would be nice w black silicon. Also updated flow a bit, didn't want any thing on sides so went w some tunze 6095's, great flow dont care for the wires, but at least i can direct them where i want.

need opinions, added some old aquamags i had, not sure how i feel yet, think they look odd because they are so white and have nothing on them.

I agree, once they color up you probably won't even notice them. Quick question, which t5 bulbs are those?
Went shopping at Pedro's house today, great tank by the way, and frag tank too. A big thanks too Emmett as well, didnt get good pic's of his before i mounted his, going to have to get better camera, my cell phone is not cutting it. Now to get everything used to led, Emmett is old school metal haide, cant argue w the results, and Pedro is a t5 man.
