DSLR vs. Digital

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Okay, this is totally weird! Although I kept checking back when I first posted this, I never saw any replies then. I couldn't understand why I wasn't receiving any replies to my question, as RC folk are always very responsive.

Blazer88, I was puzzled by your 'short-term memory' comment at first, but now it makes perfect sense. I guess I'll never know what the problem was but I thank you for the link to my post! Now I can go back and read the replies.
TitusvileSurfer, what, no personal life eh?
Shouldn't you be out annoying someone or looking at yourself in the mirror again or something along those lines???
Shouldn't you be fiddling with your tank or learning how to use your power shot better instead of posting the same question multiple times hoping for me to give you a different answer?

You have made a good point though. ::flexes:: I DO look good in the mirror.
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