Duncan question- is this gone?


New member
Hey everyone! I recently broken down my 400 gallon system that was neglected for a few months due to moving/life ect. I now have a smaller 100 gallon tank in my new home and all my parameters are on point. Over these last few months my Duncan started to die off but seems to be doing really well the last few weeks. I believe it got slightly bleached out too. What would you guys suggest I do moving forward? Frag off what's left or just leave it alone? Thank you in advance

IMO when you find some spare time I would cut them up and make a few good frags out of them. There is no harm done leaving them as they are though. In the past I have left the dead sections be, but it prevented the coral from growing into a nice round ball shape that I like from Duncans.
I'd be careful not to cut too much since they're already stressed. But sometimes cutting off the dead will help save the living.