Duncan's Lighting requirements are:

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food

Placement in the tank is best (_______________)?

I'm getting conflicting research, so Fill in the blanks please.

With 18 Frags to mount I'm suffering from a little Dain Brammage.
My Duncans sit in the sand under 400W 20K. Moderate flow and about 24" below light. They love it and are hungry little buggers.
Here is the captive care requirements from my book, "Aquarium Corals Selection, Husbandry and Natural History."

"These corals are reported to be very hardy and adaptive to almost all light conditions. Gentle currents typical of their deep-water or protected habitats allow for maximum expansion of the polyps. ...
Although they have zooxanthellae, feeding Duncanopsammia with pieces of fleshy marine foods is not only possible, but recommended for maximal growth. Reproduction occurs by budding from the lower edge of the corallites."

You've confirmed what I was thinking (moderate light & mid to deeper depth).

I didn't know about the sand. Thanks Barrett, but I'm afraid my Orangespotted Sleeper Goby might decide to uproot them, if I just "plant" them in the live sand. (He thinks he's a bull-dozer) I'll try it for a while though.

Thanks Lads!
I have 2x39w 10K and 2x54w Actinic and both my Duncans are sitting in the sand on my 75. One has already started growing two new heads and I've had about a month already. My love to eat Mysis Shrimp, that I mix with Octopeeze and Brine.
I have kept them on the sand under PC lights in an 24g Aquapod, and also on the sand in a 75g with 250w halides, and they did equally as well in both situations.
I was about to ask this question as well but you guys beat me to it. I have a rogue gorrila crab in my tank and he grabed mine the first night but I was able to recover them. HE MUST GO! Also I was wondring if the crab has been know to eat small fish, my favorite clown goby came up missing not long ago.
Yes, you must face Vader alone.

And remember........

The Force will be with you.......... Always.


P.S. - The Duncan looks great. Thanks.:strooper:
I've got mine about 30" below a 400w 20k in a whole lotta flow. It grows like mad and is ready to frag (again). 40+ polyps right now. My tank is pristine, but from what I've seen, I think this crap would grow in my toilet if I salted it. It's pretty tough.