Alright. I've tried a small Maxima clam from Dr. Mac and Sons and after about one week, a few blue hermit and red hermit crabs ate him. I woke up in the morning and the crabs were frenzied around the clam. I was pretty upset but I thought maybe the clam wasn't that healthy to start off with. I waited a few months and then decided to try yet again with a larger 4" Duresa clam from Tropicorium. This guy looked great. I had picked him this time to ensure good quality. I put him on the sand bed where he lived for about 5 weeks (I have 720watts of light over a 90 gallon). Then, all of a sudden, one morning there was a large hole in the mantle right above the mouth. I could clearly see inside his shell and what did I see -- my only serpent star took up residence inside the clam and ate him from the inside out. I was shocked. Another clam died. What the heck am I doing wrong? Can you ONLY put clams in a tank without hermit crabs, without serpent stars, without brittle stars etc... I dose ReefSolutions, Kent Probuffer, DT's and Reef Snow...