

In Memoriam
Where can i get the DVD 0097.000 TUNZE Aquarientechnik and flow condition ? Can i download it?
I have 2 - 6100, and a Wavebox and a 7095 controller, trying to figure out the best way to set up the pumps and the controller.. attached is what i think the new config should be due to page 44 in the Wave box manual. Which settings should i use on the controller to get the best use out of this setup?


This video is over 10 years old so their are no Stream pumps or waveboxes featured, it has the old 7093 controller and the 7410p type pumps. Hopefully next year we will have a new video. For the US the old video is not in DVD format only VHS. I could get the DVD but you would have to watch it on a computer after changing your settings to PAL.

Your set up will not work very well, the Wavebox cannot be that far back in the corner on such a wide tank and work, It can be no more than 24" from one side, it might work if you reverse the placement of the Stream and the Wavebox. Your tank is just too wide to place a wavebox in the corner.
ok so if i put the WB in the center of the RT end where should i put the 6100's? and what setting should i use on the controller?
You would put the 6100 where you had planned on putting the wavebox and use one of the interval settings that you feel works best with your set up.
One Stream in each back corner. Their are so many possibilities and which one will work depends on your corals and rock configuration. You will just need to try a few things and see what you like and what your corals respond best too. It will be one of the interval programs I or II that is most likely to suit your needs but which one depends on whether you want the wavebox always running or only want to run one Stream at a time etcc. You will get a feel for this once you have everything running.
thx for you help

what do you mean by back corner? the only back is by the overflow which is on the right side of the drawing..
In your second drawing you have a wavebox in one corner with the Stream in front of it, just reverse that and you will be fine.
Yes but I am not going to be easy to reach for the next couple weeks, Axel Tunze is visiting and we have a lot of meetings to go to. I would give me a call in early April I have very little time right now and I don't really know that I can help more than I have here. 512-833-7546