"Dwarf" Lion (Dendrochirus zebra)


Premium Member
Any long term dwarf lion keepers, what is your estimation as to how quickly they grow to adult size?

Also, how finicky was yours in getting them to eat readily available food sources?

Ironically a dwarf lion was my first "prize" fish I ever kept (back in 1985), but I had to break down the tank after a year due to a move (to college). Back then the practice was to simply feed them feeder guppies, but obviously we know better today. :)

(This was also my first experience in loosing a sizable clown, about the same size as the zebra. Ooops).
They are very shy when first acclimated and finicky to eat. You can get a feeding stick and hold it close to there mouths until there enticed. I find patience works well with dwarfs they will eat after they realize that it is food your presenting. In the mean time feed them ghost shrimp so you know there getting nutrition and slowly wean them off shrimp while trying to feed them frozen foods. Once it associates you with food when you put the ghost shrimp in you can start dropping in small amount mysis to see if it will eat it. They can grow fast once there eating is established. First get some ghost shrimp so you know it's eating then wean it off to frozen.gl