Dwarf Luzzy Lionfish for trade

OK here is the deal. I just want him to go to a good home. He really is a great looking fish. If you want him tell me about your tank and send me a picture. If I like your set up he is all yours.

Or if the club wants him for the school tank. Although I question giving a poisons fish to kids but I dont know who takes care of the tank...

I also have a domino damsel that is also free for the taking.
I went to the LFS and they offered $5 in trade. I have to believe that someone out there has an aggressive tank and wants a great lion.
Aww thanx. I actually woke to a wife on Sunday that said get that tank outa here. I had removed most of the contents of this 55 gallon some months ago to make my 90 reef. I loved him but hes not a reef fish and with another baby in the house my wife did not want the poisonous fish. Sunday he went to the Exotic Aquatic on oakland. They gave me $9 credit towards a shroom rock. Even they were commenting on his great color. I was telling them that he was quite pale from the stress. They got a great deal.