Dyed Corals - Beware of this tragedy


New member
I came across this posting about Dyed corals today.
Check it out

It's too long to post here but some highlights include

Telling what dyed corals are,
Identifying the most common corals that are dyed,
Educating people on what to look for
And even advising you on how to best help the suffering coral if you find yourself an owner of one.

Most reefer will recognize these immediately for their unnaturally bright colors, but alot of novices may not.

This was the first I've heard of it too... of course, I am a novice :)

Many corals are damaged, killed, diseased all for more profit with people that like to buy 'color' instead of just 'coral'
its horrible isn't it!

i know a guy in west palm who got a bad anemone, it looked like the skyblue morphs, realy did, he bought it, and it eventualy faded, doing fine now, but he wasted 400 bucks on an anemone thats worth 60 bucks.
this isn't nearly as prevalent as it was in the past, I haven't personally seen one in a few years now.

^ more likely that it bleached partially under his lighting, dyed anemones especially carpets don't live long.
no it was bleeched.

he was all proud that he had an awesome anemone then i looked at it and i thought it looked wierd.

we weren't sure until a few months later it started loosing color.
^ exactly, it bleached in his system. expelled some of its zooxanthellae and probably went from a deep blue to a much lighter almost white blue. i've seen it happen a lot
dyed carpets do just that, they die.
This horrible practice has been around for at least 15 years that I'm aware of :(
I certainly haven't seen any slow-down in the number of dyed corals coming in. In just the last month I've seen dyed sebae anemones, carpet anemones, toadstool leathers, finger leathers, Turbinaria, and Goniopora.
i saw some bright pink leathers that were died.

and ncsalt dude, i mean that the coral was dyed. it didn't loose itd natural color, the people dyed it, then it lost its unnatural color
theres two tragedies they dont look as good as normal corals and thats just not right they probably die not to long after u get them
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15279927#post15279927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by greenbean36191
I certainly haven't seen any slow-down in the number of dyed corals coming in. In just the last month I've seen dyed sebae anemones, carpet anemones, toadstool leathers, finger leathers, Turbinaria, and Goniopora.

I did not know that was still prevalent. I would be reluctant to patronize any store that brought in dyed animals.