Dying zoas?


New member
I'm not sure if they're dying but it kind of looks like it, I was told that when the stalk part (not sure the name) that the head goes into turns white it means its not doing well. Which makes sense because every other Zoa in my tank is doing great and they're all brown or gray ish. Here are a couple pics...its pretty clear that everything else is happy except those circled zoas. What can I do?

Yep, that is a pulsing xenia, I read they do not sting, enlighten me if I'm wrong though.

Can I at least get some confirmation that they look sickly? Even if you don't know why...
Even though they may not sting the zoas the zoas sure don't like something slapping against them. What would you do if something kept slamking you in the face...you would cover your face right...guess what the zoas are doing! Because other than that they look good. Their flesh is a good color. Move either the zoas or the zenia and I almost bet money they take a turn for the better!