Eagle eye zoas and green star polyps


New member
I recently got the green star polyps and eagle eye zoas. I have placed the green star polyps on the back of the tank. Will it be fine there? and the eagle eyes zoas, I have no idea where to place them, I have just placed them on the sand with the plug it came in. Can anyone tell me which will be the best placement for both of them. Also do let me know if I need more rocks adjacent to both these corals for them to expand?
Hi I have a 10 Gallon reef tank with 6 to 8 pounds of live rock, T5HO 2*18 watts (1 T5 10000K and 1 actinic 420 nm - runs 8 hrs) with lunar leds that run 24 hrs, 110 gph flow, 1 oscellaris clown and 1 damsel and cleaner crew (2 nassaris snail, 2 turbo snail, 2 red legged hermit and 2 striped crab).
Watch out with those green star polyps, they can eat your tank if they get on the main rockwork so it might be a good plan to isolate them on their own little island. Also, pretty soon your ocellaris and damsel are going to start trying to kill each other, damsel will most likely win...
Hi I have a 10 Gallon reef tank with 6 to 8 pounds of live rock, T5HO 2*18 watts (1 T5 10000K and 1 actinic 420 nm - runs 8 hrs) with lunar leds that run 24 hrs, 110 gph flow, 1 oscellaris clown and 1 damsel and cleaner crew (2 nassaris snail, 2 turbo snail, 2 red legged hermit and 2 striped crab).

Your GSP will grow quite fast but if you plan it out ahead of time, you can control it. It is in no way an invasive species in my opinion. Although it does grow fairly fast, it's still a wonderful addition to your tank but just be ready to frag it when it starts getting to the point where you don't like it.

For your zoas, always start them at the lowest point in your tank and move them up over time until you get them to where you want them. Also, they will spread onto the sand but for controlling the spread and fragging, put some small rubble rock around the plug and let them grow!!
I got Green Star polyps with the intent to grow them up the back of my tank for a grassy background, they were fine, except in my experience the crabs like to travel along the edges and they were always knocking them out of the way and never had time to stay in one place and spread. Maybe if you could secure them somehow to the back wall it would work.
Your GSP will grow quite fast but if you plan it out ahead of time, you can control it. It is in no way an invasive species in my opinion. Although it does grow fairly fast, it's still a wonderful addition to your tank but just be ready to frag it when it starts getting to the point where you don't like it.

For your zoas, always start them at the lowest point in your tank and move them up over time until you get them to where you want them. Also, they will spread onto the sand but for controlling the spread and fragging, put some small rubble rock around the plug and let them grow!!

Thank you so much, I will see that carefully. But how long do you htink it will take to sprout from the purple mat. I have had it for 2 days and I dont see any activity till now???

does that mean its not growing?:confused:
I got Green Star polyps with the intent to grow them up the back of my tank for a grassy background, they were fine, except in my experience the crabs like to travel along the edges and they were always knocking them out of the way and never had time to stay in one place and spread. Maybe if you could secure them somehow to the back wall it would work.

Can we use the super glu gel stick them to the glass, will that frag them and grow??
Can we use the super glu gel stick them to the glass, will that frag them and grow??

Yes you can superglue the gsp to the back glass. I've done it several times. The superglue will hold on to the glass long enough.
As far as growth, give it some time. Nothing good happens fast in a reef.