eagle eye


New member
just aquired a frag of about 10-15 head eagle eye zoa.
how do these guys grow or mltiply?
and how fast?
Under ideal conditions, how fast is fast? Like one new pollip every month? week? several weeks????

Just curious for finding good real estate for the new frag I just bought...
In my tank they grow relatively fast, I'd give them plenty of room. I have about 40 polyps and get around 5-8 new a month.

If you don't mind me asking MHG, hows the MP10 in your 60 cube? I bought one for my 56 and can't wait for it to come in!
The MP10 works well. If my tank did not fill up so high (I have a high overflow) I can rock it good with the burst setting. I am using mine to blow water thru the rick work and it works well but I have a Korillia on the top to break the surface tension and get some more flow. I will be replacing that one with another mp10 next year...