Eco Rock


New member
Anyone use the synthetic dry rock available? For those that do, have you noticed any differences vs natural live rock?
Some of it is pretty hard to drill. More importantly it has none of the micro and macro organisms that are found on wild live rock or maricultured live rock that are essential to creating a diverse, healthy ecosystem. You don't need to use the 1 lb per gallon many say, I have very good results with just 1/4 lb to 1/2 lb per gallon.
aside from the drilling, any other differences? I'm assuming over time they can harvest the same amount of critters as base rock would?
. . . I'm assuming over time they can harvest the same amount of critters as base rock would?

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking here.

As far as any other differences the shear lack of life that's found on artificial rock that's not "cultured" in the open ocean. A bucket of water along with a couple cups of sand from a healthy established reef will do a better job IMO to get the nitrification cycle going than artificial rock that's got a few bacteria strains tossed in. And it's a lot cheaper.
aside from the drilling, any other differences? I'm assuming over time they can harvest the same amount of critters as base rock would?

I think over time it would work. It may take awhile to get an equivalent bacteria colony though. If you're not worried about it then go for it.


I'm speaking from the experience of having mostly base rock in my system (for $$$ reasons). I stocked my tank too quickly at first and over time the bacteria caught up with the system.