EcoSmart Live Stuck 10.5 Hours Too Early???


Active member
I am posting this here since the EcoTech forum doesn't seem to be very active, and it's Saturday so ETM is not available for help right now.

My single Radion was off when I came down this morning. I'm trying to reprogram it via USB connection to laptop, logged onto EcoSmart live.

Ecosmart live shows a time in the top banner that is 10 hours and 34 minutes too early, and even though I try to reset it to current time, it stays "stuck" at an earlier time (though time advances along with current time, so it is constantly stuck 10:34 too early as time progresses). I deleted profile on EcoSmart Live and set up a new profile, and told it I am in Eastern U.S. time zone, so I don't know why it is stuck in a different time (and not even an even number of hours difference, at that).

The light had no power to it for several days, and information for the light (under the circled i in EcoSmart live) says "Clock Power: No", but I don't know what that means or relevance, if any. The light is maybe five or six years old, so perhaps the internal battery that holds time when power cuts off is dead????? The light cycled properly up until just yesterday/today, when I re-powered it after three day hiatus while I was moving tank.

Any thoughts?
