Ecotech radion xr15 gen4 pro questions


Premium Member
Would one Ecotech radion xr15 g4 pro work on a 60 cube? I know they say 24"x 24" max spread but 18"x18" spread is recommend, but realistically I wouldn't have corals filling The whole 24"x 24" area I would have a center rock structure with sps corals growing all around that and upwards not filling the 24"x 24" area I need water flow and fish to swim in that area around the rock and coral structure ,and i maybe even supplement with some t5s I would love your input thanks.
IMO you'll have shadowing issues with just one. At 24" deep you probably won't have enough PAR either. Ideally you'd have something like 4 pucks, but that's too expensive...
I have 4 XR15 G4 pro on 60 x 30 x 24h tank. The coverage is amazing.

1 XR15 G4 pro would be enough for 18 X 18 area.

Keep in mind the G3 and G4 are miles apart.
The G4 are that much better.

I can make a video later, showing my coverage.
The par is enough. My BTA went in hiding when I replace my G3 pro to the G4 pro.

I use the same intensely and they didn't like it. It cause them to shift around.
Hence Why I had some to sell here. $$$

Now that I lowered the intensely they seemed to have stop moving.

My theory for the Gens 4 Pros for the new light spreads. Mostly copy and paste, just for reference.

Its the HEI lenses. I believe they are taking advantage of Snell's law.



As light passes the border between media, depending upon the relative refractive indices of the two media, the light will either be refracted to a lesser angle, or a greater one.
Coverage has more than one aspect. The HEI lenses are definitely better at more even dispersion of light. But, that light is still from a single small point. Having multiple pucks/light sources will hit the corals from other angles and give you more complete coverage in most areas.

You could just supplement with T5s...
I wrote an email to eco tech and they said one xr15 gen4pro would be more then enough for a 24 x24 x24 sps dominant tank.
Now that I'm looking on the used section of reef central I'm wondering would you guys buy a new gen 4pro xr15 ...or a used gen 3 pro xr30? One puck vs two pucks but older. The new gen4 xr15 is 399.99 and a used gen3 pro xr30 is about the same price tag just used. What would you guys do?
If you go with the gen 3, xr30 , when you upgrade, And you will ! You will have less light to buy then.