D Delsfishes New member Dec 17, 2007 #1 Sorry, linking to off site sales is not permitted. Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
L Ludwigia73 Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef Premium Member Dec 17, 2007 #2 what did you do with the rest of your corals?
D Delsfishes New member Dec 18, 2007 #3 Hows it going? Corals where all bought from a guy in miami picked it up saturday night. Hey here is that link of the nano tank of the month http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-04/totm/index.php and remember get a mud system you will have success garanteed good luck with your set up Im sure if you take your time everything will do great Del
Hows it going? Corals where all bought from a guy in miami picked it up saturday night. Hey here is that link of the nano tank of the month http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-04/totm/index.php and remember get a mud system you will have success garanteed good luck with your set up Im sure if you take your time everything will do great Del