Eductor question


Premium Member
1. Penductor or Eductor

2. Will a PCX 30 run one for my 75g?

3. Is running just one ok or would I be better of with two?

I added penductors to my Mak4(PCX-40). They are awesome, added a lot more flow. My tank is a 75G, also. I have never run eductors.
they are the same thing... Penductor is made by penguin something and put the pen in front to associate it with their company... so a penductor is an eductor
The noise from the PCX40 is loud! It is a constant whining noise that I have somehow learned to drown out. I think 2 would be better, but, adding one will defintely help give you more flow, not a waste, IMO.
I already have a dart on a CL and a buddy has a PCx 30. Imight just drop it in and see if I like it.
There is a smaller version of the "eductor" its shorter and the spread is a bit more. Some people call these penductors. They do not perform like the longer units do. MRC actually sells the shorter version. I got the longer ones from

The harder you push them the more flow you get. I have 2 on a pcx 70, and if I shut one off and let the pump drive only one you can hardly hold your hand in front of it. 2 and a Wavebox makes my 280 look like a hot tub. :)
No the eductor has a wider spread. penductors i believe have a 30 degree spread, and eductors have a 45 degree.
Definately alot more focused with the penductor. The only drawback with the eductor is the size, But better all around. IMO
I have both.