Eheim Jager heater...


New member
Hello Everyone!
I'm wondering if someone could help me with my Eheim Jager 100w heater.
The one that can be consumer calibrated...
I had noticed the other day that when I installed my new Eheim Jager 100 w heater into my 55 gal aquarium the temperature was off a bit so after I had read the instructions on how to RE-Calibrate the heater, the directions mentioned that the orange ON/OFF indicator light will come on indicating that the heater is recalibrating itself. So I replaced the heater back into the aquarium and after 2+ hours, the indicator light is still on.
I'm wondering if this is normal and if so, when should one expect the light to go off?
I must add though, if it was the heater elements that were being powered in order to heat the water, I would almost have to say that my thermometer would have read something crazy like 95+ degrees inside or something.
I have been keeping an close eye on the water temperature and it has not risen above what I had it set for (79*F) since the indicator lamp hand been on - over 2+ hours ago.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! :)
Hello Everyone!
I'm wondering if someone could help me with my Eheim Jager 100w heater.
The one that can be consumer calibrated...
I had noticed the other day that when I installed my new Eheim Jager 100 w heater into my 55 gal aquarium the temperature was off a bit so after I had read the instructions on how to RE-Calibrate the heater, the directions mentioned that the orange ON/OFF indicator light will come on indicating that the heater is recalibrating itself. So I replaced the heater back into the aquarium and after 2+ hours, the indicator light is still on.
I'm wondering if this is normal and if so, when should one expect the light to go off?
I must add though, if it was the heater elements that were being powered in order to heat the water, I would almost have to say that my thermometer would have read something crazy like 95+ degrees inside or something.
I have been keeping an close eye on the water temperature and it has not risen above what I had it set for (79*F) since the indicator lamp hand been on - over 2+ hours ago.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! :)
Unless they have changed recently they don't self calibrate. The light on the heater indicates if the heater is heating or not. The blue dial sets the temp but the red dial with the arrow can be moved also. So if u setup the heater & u have it set at 80 & after a day or so the temp in the tank is only 78, then u can adjust the red dial to 78. Then if u actually want it set at 80 u adjust the blue dial to where it now is set at 80 & u should be pretty close.

U can also just turn the blue knob slowly until the light on the heater comes on. The light indicates the heater is turned on. When u slowly adjust the heater to when the light comes on then u see what the temp in the tank is & set the red dial to a degree over the tank temp. I would keep a eye on it for a couple of days checking it often, u may have to adjust the red dial to where it matches the tank temp.

That wasn't a good explanation but maybe u got the point. It's not self adjusting, u can adjust the red dial to make it read more accurate