"Electro Fried Frag Tank"


New member
Well I "fried" my frag tank this past week.!!

I posted a couple of weeks ago to check heaters and all as a reminder for everyone. I had replaced all of my old hang on "glass" heaters as i have broken one or two previously.

But a while back I had set up an old 30 gallon as a "frag tank" that I had some odd softie frags and a few odd and ends that I had moved from my main tank. Things to put in the seahorse tank we are setting up for my wife and for my sons tank when he is ready and stuff to give away. Did not have a lot in it and it was "very minimal".

Had it in the garage, and one night l was up about 2am and noticed this "flashing Orange GLOW" coming from the garage.
It was my frag tank, a glass heater, that I really new I should have thrown away had broken during the night. Hell I just had it in there for "Back up"..
Why it did not trip the GF or blow the circuit I can not guess(the circuit blows for everyining else) but that thing had the entire tank glowing, I flipped the circuit and got everything our that I could but it was "fried" The only thing seems to have survived were a few "shrroms" .

"PLEASE Learn From my "mistake" get rid of any "old" glass heaters you have and replace with the unbreakable ones or the In line or somthing else. OLD GLASS HEATERS ARE "THE DEVIL"

Do not make the mistake this guy made, and what is bad is I did truly know better!!!
:eek2: :eek2:
Hydor has a line of glass heaters that use some type of shatterproof glass tube and they have the PTC heating element like your flow through so that will shut down if run dry.

There is no sure fire heater but a closed titanium or high grade stainless element with the electrical connection out of the water coupled to a commercial grade controller would be close.

I imagine your GFI didn't trip because there wasn't a complete circuit. The tank was not grounded.
It sure did put out a bright orange "Glow".
The whole tank was glowing, and it turned one real good sized nice green finger leather frag into a very black hard lump, as if it was a wad of plastic that you burned!!